It’s official! RoastLog is now available for use with the Phidgets 4-input Temperature Sensor.
This is something we wanted to do for quite awhile. Compatibility with the Phidgets device simplifies the transition to RoastLog from other software systems and opens up an affordable option for home roasters who may have already invested in a data bridge and thermocouple(s).
RoastLog was originally designed as a closed system utilizing our own hardware (initially, the 1st generation 1- & 4-input Data Bridges; and now, the 4-input Bluetooth device). After thoroughly testing the Phidgets, we feel confident in its performance. Moreover, the integration with RoastLog creates the same quality experience and reliability our users have come to rely on.
We’re pleased to be able to provide another option to our users. For more details on connectivity with existing Phidgets temperature sensors, contact us.